Welcome to our new site!

We are excited to present to you the new version of karanyisounds.com! While we are in beta mode, our webshop is fully operational, albeit with potential minor issues or missing content. Rest assured, these do not impact your overall user experience, accounts, or purchase history.

Why Beta?

Our platform has been serving our valued customers for over three years, and we believe the time has come for a significant system update. This substantial improvement includes offering a faster, smoother user experience. While we are in beta mode, our webshop is fully operational.

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Experience any glitches?

We believe not ☺️ But accidents can happen, so please note, there may be minor issues or missing content, but these will not impact your user accounts or purchase history. The beta version of the site lets us test and perfect the new features and improvements we’ve implemented.

IMPORTANT: Please attach a screenshot about your problem and send us the order number you have problem with. Thank you!

Submit your ticket

Join Our Discord Community

You prefer talking with us rather than submitting a ticket? Join our Discord community! This community serves as a space for you to join our VST beta testing programme, communicate directly with our team, report any bugs you may encounter, and connect with fellow Karanyi Sounds users. Join our community!

Join Karanyi Sounds at Discord
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Thanks for your support!

We are a small but dedicated team of developers, working hard to deliver the best possible experience at KaranyiSounds.com. Your involvement and feedback are invaluable to us in this beta phase. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we strive to refine and enhance our platform. Thank you for being part of our journey and for your continued support as we work to create an even better KaranyiSounds.com.